

August 6, 2022

When I was wondering what can I do to improve my writing skill, I decided to create a blog.

But I don’t want to just write, I want to customize my own website too!

After hours of looking for free to use template, most of them are waaaay too overkill to create such a simple blog and I decided to go potato, “Nah, I won’t create something so sophisticated, let’s just use some open source framework to do the heavylifting”.

Until I found Quarto, it’s interesting at glance, they offered scientific and technical publishing system.

I’ll give it a try. Why not? After all this blog will be a mix between casual and technical blogging.

They even have syntax highlighter!

System.out.println("Hello World?");

Quarto Image

Not sure why I posted the picture above, I got it from quarto site generator and it looks good, so there you go.